Success is a Mindset. Unstuck your Mindset towards Success! 

I am not saying that “change your mindset and you’ll be successful.” If it were so easy, everyone would be a millionaire, happily in a loving relationship and be in perfect health. You need to go beyond that, to transform your past hurts into something magical you must be willing to take responsibility for your happiness and learn new skills. 

I’ve learned to turn my negative emotions around, which I want to share with you. As a life coach I teach you a ‘lifestyle’ – just like physical exercise or eating healthy. The mind requires on-going maintenance. An example of ongoing mind-maintenance is inner learning. 

Everyone knows, we only have a limited number of years on this planet called earth, and there is no second chance. No one wants a life that’s full of regrets. My aim is to inspire you to make the most of your life while you still have the chance, because I lost many years of mine. 

Have you ever felt like – I need to change my life? 

Have you ever been thought of as crazy because you wanted to follow your dreams or start a business? Have you ever asked yourself if today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today? Or you had a moment when you were feeling alone and empty, but you don’t want to be that way, but you just don’t know how to change it… Have you ever felt like this? Or you just wanted to become a better version of you. I have, but I didn’t have a clue how to change it but always thought there must be something more to life!

If you haven’t found it – keep looking and don’t settle until you found it. 

If you ever think to yourself I need to change my life then you just may want to have a look at what I am doing. Now I am not saying that it is for you because I don’t know anything about you. What I am saying is take a look at what I have to offer and if it resonates with you – take action. 

Let’s face it, everyone hopes they’ll avoid the worst life has to offer; accidents, illness, loss or violence etc. Unfortunately, few of us will get through life unscathed and the earlier we realise that we are not the only ones who have suffered the sooner we will be able to move on from our upsetting past. 

As for me, emerging on the other side of the pain, I now feel a much greater inner strength and have re-oriented my live towards more fulfilling goals. Actually the suffering that resulted from those horrible experiences was not an endpoint. Instead it acted more as a catalyst to change for the better, in all aspects of my life. 

Probably it has sent me on a quest I would never have found otherwise. Given the right mindset and environment I was able to reflect on the trauma, the suffering and struggle as an opportunity to search for meaning in my life. Ultimately to become a better version of myself because growth begins with healing from the suffering experienced. 

Steve Maraboli sums it up well: “You are not a victim. Your story isn’t over. No matter what you have been through, you’re still here. Everyone who ever bet against you was wrong. You have a history of victory.” I do feel I go from victory to victory even though sometimes success doesn’t come easy but I refuse to give up until I reach my desired result.  

A life of regret is no life at all and I can honestly say I do not have any regrets in my life. Sure, we all have regrets for things we’ve done, mistakes made and opportunities lost. But I make a conscious decision every day of my life to minimise those moments of remorsefulness and lead a happier more fulfilling life than ever. 

So, how confident are you in your ability to make the best use of time you have left? It is time to follow our own rules and decide on whose opinion you want to listen to. Decide not to let other opinions dictate your life. If people disrespect us, it is time to speak up. Decide to get rid of any toxic relationships we are hanging on to. Don’t be a sheep – go solo if we must.

Your life and time are precious so make the most of each day. Take care of your needs first. Be passionate in everything you do. Do not worry about the things you can’t control and take charge of the things you can control.